central south morang shopping centre
shopping centre website design
Central South Morang are a local shopping centre located in South Morang. They are a centre made up of local retailers who have a strong focus on serving the local multicultural community around them.
Central South Morang came to Redsteps Web to design their new website so that the local community could easily find them online. They wanted a new website that provided information to local customers on the retailers of the centre and encourage them to visit. The Redsteps Web team created this new shopping centre website design to display information on retailers and in a way that’s easy to navigate.
This new website is easy to navigate with a primary menu that captures all the main pages of this website. The header is sectioned off in an intuitive way so that customers could easily see the various parts of the website easily. Various sections Redsteps Web has added to this website include basic information on the centre, a page for each of the retailers and a latest news section. The latest news section allows the shopping centre to provide updates to customers on what’s happening at the centre. This allows the centre to keep the website up-to-date and communicate with the local community.
A shopping centre website design…
…that is easy to navigate.

our journey with central south morang shopping centre
Our team has been working with Central South Morang Shopping Centre since 2017 to help them connect with the local community through online channels. In building this shopping centre website design, we focused our efforts on swift navigation so users could easily find information on the retailers in the centre.
In setting up this website, Redsteps Web first had a meeting with the team at Central South Morang in order to get a clear understanding of their aims for this website. During this initial stage we built a design that would fit the shopping centre’s branding. Drawing inspiration from the colours on their logo we selected a colour scheme that could be used throughout the website and as accents. This process set the foundation for the rest of the website build.
Central South Morang also run their centre marketing with our parent company Redsteps! Redsteps manages the digital marketing and in-centre activations for this shopping centre to encourage the local community to visit the centre.