7 Terms That Measure The Effectiveness Of Email Marketing Campaigns
Measuring the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns is crucial to understanding the return on investment this marketing tactic brings to your business. In this blog post…
8 Terms To Measure The Effectiveness Of Social Media Marketing For Your Business
Measuring effectiveness of social media marketing for your businessRead time: 3 minutes Measuring the effectiveness of social media marketing for…
4 terms that Measure backlink quality
Measuring backlink quality can seem like a daunting task. There are many ways the value a backlink adds to your website can be measured and this adds to the complexity of understanding backlinks…
8 Terms That Measure The Effectiveness Of Paid traffic?
“What is paid search traffic?” is a question we get from many of our clients. In this blog post, we will explain what paid search traffic is and introduce some terms that measure the successes of…
Digital Marketing Terms Every Business Owner Should Know
Understanding digital marketing terms helps uncover the meaning of the statistics that come in your digital marketing reports. By looking at these statistics more closely, you will be able to take charge of your marketing efforts. The reports…
3 Key Terms tO Measure SEO Performance
Measuring SEO performance is crucial to take charge of your efforts in optimising your website for search engines. Since SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is an ongoing investment, it can sometimes…
14 terms to measure website traffic
Measuring website traffic is crucial to understanding how your customers are interacting with your business online. By analysing these stats, you can find areas to improve your website to maximise the potential of this channel for your website…
What is a website domain name?
Your website domain name is the name of your website’s address. People come across many website domains daily and they generally look like “websitedomainname.com.au”. When businesses buy…
Problems with free websites
Your website is a big part of your business’ online identity and a place where customers visit to learn more about your business. As a result, building a website is an important investment for your business, and is a…
Plugins for your ecommerce website that improve its functionality
To ensure your ecommerce store achieves its potential, it is important to set it up correctly. Part of this process involves adding the right plugins for your ecommerce website. In addition to…
What is a web server?
A web server is a system that serves files to visitors accessing websites. A web server is essentially a large computer or a system of computers where your website lives. Before we take a look at web servers, we first need to understand…
How to be found on Google as a local business
Are you a local business? Does your business rely on local customers? If so, it’s important that customers can find you with Google Search. 63% of Australians now turn to Google when they need help…